Vegan Starter Kit

This campaign introduced the Vegan Starter Kit as part of the Plant-Based Treaty Vegan Pledge in Argentina. The goal was to present the kit in a light-hearted, humorous way, using traditional phrases while raising questions about egg, dairy, and meat consumption under the slogan "Go Vegan, it's easy." This kit contains all the essential information to support individuals in transitioning to a vegan lifestyle.
Poster and Billboard headlines:
“No rompas mas los huevos, hacete vegano”
[”Stop breaking eggs, go vegan” is a traditional local saying meaning something similar to “Don’t bust my balls”.]
“No seas mala leche, hacete vegano”
[“Don’t be bad milk, go vegan” traditional local saying that implies avoiding bad intentions.]
“La carne es débil, hacete vegano”
[“Flesh is weak, go vegan” traditional saying referring to our human weak spirit / will used as an analogy to suggest that eating meat is not our best choice.]
Client: Animal Save Movement
Creative Direction: Federico Callegari
Design: Gherra Selvi and Lucía Sierra
Year: 2022